
My Work Profile 4 Summary

Summary of My Work Skills in Action



These work-related actions, movements and activities are easy for me:





Look at the above list of work-related actions that you think are easy for you. Put a circle around the ones you would like to do on the job. Put an X over actions and activities that you do not like and you would rather not do.



These work related actions, movements and activities are a mix of easy and hard for me:




Look at the above list of work-related actions that you think are a medium challenge for you. Put a circle around the ones you would like to do on the job. Put an X over actions and activities that you do not like and would rather not do. Use the highlighter to color over actions that you would like to learn to do better.




These work-related actions, movements and activities are hard for me:





Look at the above list of work-related actions that you think are hard for you. Put a circle around the ones you would like to do on the job. Put an X over actions and activities that you do not like and would rather not do. Use the highlighter to color over actions that you would like to learn to do better.


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