
Creating a Grocery List From a Weekly Menu Lesson Plan

Creating a Grocery List From a Weekly Menu Lesson Plan

Created by: Rachel Steinberg, 3L Place, May 2017

Applies to:  Life Skills

Purpose:  To motivate independence at the grocery store by making a self-generated grocery list

Objectives:  Create a grocery list from an already created weekly menu, then use the grocery list at the store

Materials needed:

  • Weekly food menu
  • Visuals (see attachment below)
  • Clipboard, pen

Activity Steps:

1. Look at the member’s weekly menu
2. Have them list all foods they will eat that week
3. Optional step: create a visual list from step 2 to assist with higher order thinking during step 4
4. Look together in the kitchen to see if you have the foods on the list, and circle ‘yes’ or ‘no’
5. Make a new list of all the foods that are circled ‘no’
6. Bring this list to the grocery store with a clipboard and a pen and encourage independence in finding the foods!


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