My Work Profile 1 Worksheet
Circle or put a smiley face next to the sensory elements/environmental conditions that cause me to feel comfortable or relaxed.
Put an x over or put a sad face next to the sensory elements/environmental conditions that cause me to feel uncomfortable or tense.
Both instructor and participant are encouraged to add items to list
Crowds Clutter Bright lights Dark Orderly/Neat
Quiet Small spaces Big spaces Lots of activity/movement
People talking nearby (not to me) People talking to me or asking me questions
Sudden loud noises (horn honking, bells, alarms, cheering at sporting events, etc.)
Ongoing loud noises (machinery, large crowd, shouting, concert, beeping)
Ambient noises (fans, machines, buzzing fluorescent lights, piped in music, etc.)
People noises (coughing, typing, clicking pen, music from their headphones, etc.)
Cold Heat Being outdoors (temp, bugs, etc.) Being indoors
Bad weather (rain, thunder/lightening, cloudy, blazing sun, snow)
Hard seating Soft seating Tight clothes Loose clothes Wearing uniform
Getting my hands dirty Getting my clothes dirty Sweating
Being up high (ladder, platform, etc.) Being down low (on ground, crawling under things)
Moving Fast Moving slow Standing a lot Sitting a lot
Being around machines Riding in a car Being watched Being alone
Sitting close to another person (stranger – classroom, trolley, sporting event, etc.)
Being bumped into (walking to class, student center at lunchtime, campus events, etc.)
Food smells - give/ask for examples both good & bad)
People smells (perfume, body odor, etc.) give/ask for examples both good & bad
Chemical smells (cleaners, air freshener, gasoline pump)
Environmental smells (moldy, dusty, etc.)
Talking on the phone Talking in person Looking someone in the eyes