
My Work Profile 4 Worksheet

Action! On The Job





Every job requires us to move our bodies in some way. Some jobs make a lot of physical demands and other jobs ask very little of our bodies. We are going to use our memories, our imagination and sometimes act out different on-the-job actions….let’s discover which ones you think are easy, which are hard, which give you energy and which make you tired. So turn on your imagination and get your body ready to move!


Things I might be asked to do on the job: Once you are at work, you will be asked to do different things. Some of these things may be easy and some may be hard. These activities might seem new because you are doing them in a new place with different people but let’s explore whether I have tried them before.

Teacher note: below is a list of jobs broken down by tasks. Following this list is a word bank of vocabulary describing different generalized actions the member has likely tried before that can be worked into the lesson or to assist in analyzing more job tasks to add to list. There is no proscribed sequence, start with high interest job areas if possible. Work with member to find similar activities to the work tasks listed below.


Working In a Store

Stocking Shelves, Working in a retail store, Working in a Stockroom: Have I done these actions before?  Where? Lifting, squatting, bending, reaching up high to get something, carrying things, etc. Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Get better at or learn to do? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Customer Service: Greeting people, finding things in a store, answering questions, standing for a long time, wearing a uniform, etc. Have I done those things before? Where? Which as re hard for me? Easy? Any I want to avoid? Get better at or learn? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Cash Register: Counting money, giving change, operating a calculator, saying hello and chatting with strangers, bagging groceries. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Working at a School

Classroom:  Being around a lot of kids, helping someone learn, following the teacher’s instructions and class rules, being quiet when teacher is speaking, participating in group activities, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Playground: Playing with groups of kids, watching people to make sure they are safe, helping a kid who is struggling or crying, moving around a lot, helping kids follow rules, etc.  Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Lunchroom: Serving food, cleaning up, asking kids to be quiet or clean up after themselves, move around a crowded room, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Working in a Restaurant or with Food

Dishwashing: Washing dishes, putting dishes away, standing a long time, keep being active even when wet, being careful not to break plates and glasses, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Prep Cook: Chopping food, using knives, standing a long time in a kitchen, being in a hot place for a long time, cooperating and working together, working fast, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Host/Hostess/Foodrunner/Busboy: Walking around a lot, greeting people, being friendly and smiling to strangers, showing people where to sit, handing people a menu, carrying plates of food, getting things for people, pouring drinks from a pitcher, cleaning off a table etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Working in a Warehouse/Factory/Stockroom/Custodial

Cleaning (pushing a mop/broom, wiping things down, putting things together, taking things apart, lifting, standing, carrying, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Working in an Office

Sitting at a desk, using a computer, sorting and filing, shredding, writing/answering emails, answering phone/making calls, etc. Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Being an Employee

No matter what your job is or where you work, there are certain things every employee has to do and remember. Let’s look at these and decide how many of these important things I have already had to do or try in my life:

Showing up for work on time, staying until work is done, asking for a break, getting back to work after a break, waking up early, going to bed earlier than used to, skipping a nap, waiting to eat when you are hungry, eating in a room with other people you might now know (breakroom), only eating your food/resisting temptation to eat somebody else’s food, listening to instructions, following rules (there are many personal examples to draw from here – getting to a movie or show on time, waking up early to catch a flight, not eating a fellow member’s lunch, etc.) Have I done any of these before? Where? Which are hard for me? Easy? Are there any I want to avoid? Learn or be better at? Do these actions make me tired or give me energy?

Word Bank of Job Related of Actions/Physical Demands




Reaching up high









Counting (objects, money)

Moving fast

Moving slow

Putting things together

Taking things apart


Paying attention to a machine

Working on a computer screen


Operating a machine (cash register, driving, etc.)

Greeting people

Finding things

Arranging things (setting up a table, display)

Putting things on shelves

Using sharp objects (knife, box cutter, paper shredder)



Staying up late

Working all day

Working at night

Interacting with people



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